On August 20, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in Section II "Final and Transitional Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Activities of Religious Organizations", amended part eight of Article 5-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds of Crime, Terrorist Financing and Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction", adding religious organizations to the list of various legal entities that are not subject to the requirements of Article 5-1 regarding the provision of information about the ultimate beneficiaries.

Earlier, on September 6, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine amended the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds of Crime, Terrorist Financing and Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction", which required information from religious organizations about their ultimate beneficial owners and ownership structure, which created significant difficulties for religious organizations. 

This issue has been repeatedly raised by the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations at meetings with representatives of the government and parliament. To resolve this issue, last year MPs Marian Zablotskyi and Yuriy Kamelchuk submitted a legislative initiative to the Verkhovna Rada to exempt religious organizations from the unnecessary requirement to report on their ultimate beneficial owners. 

By amending Article 5-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of the Proceeds of Crime, Terrorist Financing and Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction," the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has relieved religious organizations of unnecessary bureaucratic procedures, which will contribute to more effective activities of churches and religious organizations in Ukrainian society.

As reported, on August 20, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of the Constitutional Order in the Field of Religious Organizations".